Literary friendships

Weekly writing prompt #134

I am writing to you from Lake Oconee in Georgia, where my closest MFA friends and I are convened for a long weekend filled with writing, lake time, quiche, and general cozy vibes.

Before I decided to pursue my MFA, I worked a high-pressure tech job. One that gave me a crippling and constant sense of existential dread that sometimes led me to tears. I felt like my mind and spirit were getting mined raw with nothing sacred left for myself. In a fiery act of creative reclamation, I quit the job with nothing lined up to throw myself into MFA apps.

Putting myself on this path has been the best gift Iā€™ve ever given myself. Itā€™s humbling and exhilarating to be amongst fellow writers who are all coming up together. I get giddy wondering about whose work will be out in the world next. Before getting carried away daydreaming though, Iā€™m reminded that the steps to get there involve putting in the work (1) to actually write and (2) to nurture literary friendships, which makes me extra grateful for weekends like this one. Thereā€™s nothing quite like being in a room with your writerly friends all hacking away at their keyboards to spur you into breaking your WPM personal best.

Maybe the real gift was the friends I made along the way šŸ„²

šŸ“ This weekā€™s writing prompt

Write about a time when you came through for those close to you or vice versa. Did you achieve something epic or fail valiantly? Or share how community and friendship figure into your life as a writerā€”is there anything you would change about it?

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Submit by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last weekā€™s submissions: Luck

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions šŸ‘€ 

āœØ Writing inspo of the week


Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

AnaĆÆs Nin

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