
Weekly writing prompt #129

Ok, I promise this will be the last newsletter that references my MFA residency. That is, until the next one six months from now 😈.

MFA students. We are a funny bunch. We’re all in Very Serious pursuit of mastery over our craft. Put us all in a room for a week and it won’t be long before someone drops their favorite Walt Whitman verse or implores the group to read yet another Hemingway short story (why we’re still referencing white male authors from AP English is a newsletter for another time…).

Our tendency to circle shared aesthetics, goals, and influences has also spawned a sort of MFA-speak, which I’ve started documenting here lol.

Taking inspiration from one of the words, embodiment, (and because I’m a lil nosy) this week’s prompt asks you to take readers into your world, the one you inhabit outside of writing, and imagine a scene for fun. Maybe one you’ve fantasized about but have never put into words before.

To creating containers,

📝 This week’s writing prompt

Take us into a dramatized version of your day in the life. It could be in your job, volunteer position, home, or walk in the neighborhood. Write about a standoff between you and your familiar arch-nemesis and the ensuing encounter.

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Submit by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: OuLiPo vowel experiment

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

✨ Writing inspo of the week

Embodiment means we no longer say, I had this experience; we say, I am this experience.

Sue Monk Kidd

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