Trust your gut

Weekly writing prompt #122

Something about sitting down to write on a fresh page feels almost spiritual.* It is spiritual. Aside from dancing, I can’t think of another art form with a lower barrier to entry. Little stands in the way between your will to create and the output.

When you’re locked in and the words are flowing, everything else falls away. Your intuition is what carves a path through the page’s blank expanse. It takes a lot of self-trust to quiet the inner editor and surrender to your instincts.

Lately, I’ve been trying to practice a backspace embargo when drafting. As a recovering edit-as-I-go kinda gal, it feels very unnatural! But a handy mantra I’ve been repeating is first instinct, best instinct. I find solace in the thought that even if my first instinct leads me astray, it will always eventually point me in the right direction.


*Whereas something about that blinking cursor feels almost taunting!

📝 This week’s writing prompt

What is your relationship to your creative intuition? Does it flow like a great cosmic river or is it all dammed up? Where has it taken you? Try generating a fresh piece guided purely by your intuition & see what comes out.

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Submit by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: Obsessed

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

✨ Writing inspo of the week

Intuition is the essence of the whole creative process. If art isn't about feelings, then what is its purpose? Everything starts with intuition.

Kay Ruffini

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