let your imagination run wild šŸ…

guest post by katerina jeng

recently, iā€™ve had various events celebrating the launch of my debut poetry book, gospel of a whole sun, during which iā€™ve been asked some wonderful questions about writing & art. one being: ā€œwhat do you think is the role of the artist?ā€ 

i replied that the role of the artist is to reflect back the truth they see in the world, and to show the interconnectedness of the human experience. in fact, to not just showā€”but to make people feel, embody, and deeply understand the truth of humanity.

what makes this interesting is that there are many truths existing simultaneously, and oftentimes, the truths of artists are at odds with the truths of the mainstream & status quo. this tension is where the magic is. 

as we close our final week together, i invite you to let your own truths roam. to continue questioning what youā€™ve been taught, and to re-imagine it according to your own beliefs, values, and convictions. the treasure already lies within youā€”all you have to do is uncover it.

(p.s. thank you for allowing me into your creative world as a guest editor! itā€™s been a delight to read your writing. if youā€™d like, you can stay in touch on instagram or substack. wishing you continued liberation, love, and care in your writing & beyond! āœØ)

šŸ“ This weekā€™s writing prompt

think of a story, a folktale, a piece of history, or an ideology that you were taught to believeā€”but would like to reimagine. maybe itā€™s a cultural superstition that your family would tell you when you were younger, a colonizerā€™s story of how the land you occupy came to be, or the plot of your favorite disney movie.

rewrite it according to your wildest imagination. how would it go if everything you personally desired came true? what would a radical retelling, a decolonized retelling, or a fantastical retelling look like? what if you inserted yourself in the center of it?

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Submit by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last weekā€™s submissions: writing with pleasure šŸŒ¹

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions šŸ‘€ 

āœØ Writing inspo of the week


The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don't see.

James Baldwin

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