Reading as a writer

Weekly writing prompt #115

Back in the day, reading was pure vibes: all done in the name of pleasure and leisure. I was 100% that little girl who had a stack of books at her bedside, reading by flashlight after lights out (definitely why I was so near-sighted 🤓).

Now, as someone who takes writing more seriously, I read more critically too. Still pleasurable, but in a different, more obsessive way, perhaps like an apprentice watchmaker taking an old Rolex apart.

When I get stuck with writing, I bring that problem to whatever I’m reading. I study how another author does it. Currently, I’m fixated on weaving flashbacks + timelines. I’ve been attuning my eyes to study the exact words that lead readers in and out of memories and even what verb tenses are used.

After, I always emerge with new tricks to try out. The same idea applies in the opposite direction: reading things I don’t like so I know to avoid certain mechanics. Reading takes longer, but the extra energy spent is an investment into The Craft 🤌🏼.

Q: What do you notice about how you read as a writer?

Happy writing this week,

📝 This week’s writing prompt: Reading as a writer

What was the last book you read? What was its essential truth and did it challenge or affirm your own? BONUS: Did you learn anything that helped you with your writing?

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Submit by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: Brute forcing it

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

✨ Writing inspo of the week

The older I get, the more I'm conscious of ways very small things can make a change in the world. Tiny little things, but the world is made up of tiny matters, isn't it?

Sandra Cisneros

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