Getting in The Zone™

Weekly writing prompt #112

Good morning Juicers,

I’ve been thinking a lot about rituals lately. I was reflecting on how in my days as a high school theater kid (lol) and on the various sports teams I’ve participated in (as a jack of all trades, master of none) growing up, there was always a pre-game ritual before showtime. Tongue twisters belted out in unison in an electric, anxious huddle before the curtains rose. Pasta dinners before a cross-country meet.

Granted as writers, when we sit down to flex our craft we’re doing it solo, knowing we won’t have an audience. Nobody’s waiting to applaud us at the end of a writing session. Despite that, I think of writing as sacred and equally deserving of a hype-up ritual that gets us into The Zone™.

Two things I’m experimenting with. Before I write, I:
(1) Read a relevant chapter from Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act and contemplate it.
(2) Dab a specific scent (I’m using a perfume that smells just like leather) on my wrists to create a Pavlovian association over time that subconsciously cues me into a flow state. A little kooky, but let’s see how that goes 🙃.

What are your creative rituals? Would love to hear ‘em.

P.S. I’ve brought back the round-up! But this time it’s a monthly round-up 🤠. See below. If you want your writing featured in this newsletter, submit something!

P.P.S. Relatedly, I’m adjusting the send and submission schedule by a day. So you’ll start receiving this newsletter on Sundays & submissions will be due on Saturdays.

Happy writing,

📝 This week’s writing prompt:

Write about your (or a character’s) rituals—anything from squeezing out a pea-sized dollop of toothpaste in the mornings to honoring dear and departed loved ones.

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Saturday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: This must be the place

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

Monthly submission highlights: March 🍀

Share your writing to be featured (anonymously!) in next month’s roundup.

Prompt #108: Write a sentence (or two, or three) inspired by another sentence you wish you had written.

The junkyard boys, in their attempts to look menacing, took too-big steps to keep their too-big pants from collapsing around their ankles.

Loosely inspired by: “The boys and girls around him wore coral colors and Ray-Bans and seemed to outstretch themselves to the sun.” (from Foster Dade Explores the Cosmos by Nash Jenkins)

Prompt #109: What is something you can’t escape the pull of? What keeps dragging you back into its orbit no matter how hard you try to resist?

My bed

I walk on tiptoes so the floor doesn’t creak
as I move from room to room in my head

Rooms I’ve avoided, I now want to explore
But need glowing stars and night lights
Relics, reminders, of tender and soft spaces
Piles of pillows, blankets, forehead kisses

At night, the feelings wake me up
so I can brew them tea and lend sympathetic ears
Sometimes during the day, they try to leave me lengthy voicemails

Lately, I’ve been leaving them waiting
while I run my fingers across my skin under cool clouds
Cumulus, cirrus, nimbostratus, stratus
Watching for glimpses of sky
the sun peaking through to warm my skin

Prompt #109: What is something you can’t escape the pull of? What keeps dragging you back into its orbit no matter how hard you try to resist?

He’s warm and he’s there. Not hot but not ugly. His number at the top of my recent calls, text threads, and Instagram DMs. Always accessible. Verbally describing memes to each other form the basis of our conversations. He looks at me with dull, eight-ball eyes that never shine with hunger or intrigue. The other day, after biting into a donut, a dusting of powdered sugar ringed his lips and I felt neither disgusted nor charmed. I wonder what he sees in me. I wonder what I see in him. Perhaps what we recognize in each other is our own loneliness.

Prompt #110: Are you a pantser, planner, or somewhere-in-betweener? In both writing and life or not? What’s that like?

It’s funny, in life I’m a big planner but in writing I’m definitely a pantser. My writing starts with a sentence, an idea, a smell, sometimes just a word. I never know where it’s going or what it will become. In life, I love to-do lists and routine a place for everything, everything in its place. Laundry is both my greatest pleasure and the bane of my existence because it can’t ever all be clean at once. I love this duality though, the planner/pantser simultaneity. A dirty house makes me crazy, seeing the sun shine through a single leaf and writing about it makes me sane. Party.

✨ Writing inspo of the week

Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

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