This must be the place

Weekly writing prompt #111

Good morning Juicers,

The other day I was chatting with a friend over the phone. He asked me what I saw around me. My eyes darted around as I rattled off signifiers of SoCal suburban life. Everywhere I look Spanish tile roofs, palm trees, rounded curbs, a cactus.

The friend, also a writer (and formidable question-asker as it turns out), must’ve grown bored of my list cause he cut me off and went, “Ok, but what’s the mood behind everything?”

And just like that, my internal world started to color my external. I blurted out that the repeating, cookie-cutter homes symbolized the monotony of my days. The placid sameness of it all was stifling me and I’d been feeling restless for a long time.

The conversation reminded me that a setting is never just a setting. Emotions are the filter through which we experience the world. So next time see if you give your exposition more of a kick by sprinkling in some interiority.

Stay moody,

Weekly writing prompt:

Describe the setting around you but not in neutral, objective terms. Instead, color it with your thoughts and emotions.

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Sunday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: Planner or pantser?

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Writing inspo of the week

Your first writing is as delicate as a seedling. Don’t show it to some yahoo who wouldn’t know an orchid from kudzu.

Carolyn See

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