Super massive black hole

Weekly writing prompt #109

Good morning Juicers,

OK, has anyone else been contemplating black holes and spacetime like I have this week?? I recently listened to a podcast about them and my mind was properly blown. In my attempt to comprehend them, Iā€™ve probably blazed through a documentaryā€™s worth of YouTube videos. I realize I couldā€™ve watched one good documentary and emerged with better understanding instead of patchworking low-budget uploads from ScienceWhiz99 or Far_Out_Man but I digressā€¦

As a writer, metaphors tend to be my best tool for aiding comprehension, so my mind couldnā€™t help but draw the following connections:

  • Writing this novel is like my personal all-consuming black hole. It sucks my time, my brain power, and Iā€™ve even started losing single socks.

  • While I donā€™t write at the speed of light, when I do hit flow state and words spill out of me, time does dilate and seem to move more slowly

  • There are past, present, and future Jamies that are all existing simultaneously, and hopefully one of them is crushing her word count goals.

Wishing you stellar writing this week,

Weekly writing prompt:

What is something you canā€™t escape the pull of? What keeps dragging you back into its orbit no matter how hard you try to resist?

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Sunday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last weekā€™s submissions: Prose I love

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions šŸ‘€ 

Writing inspo of the week


A good story can travel where words cannot.

Elizabeth Gilbert

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