Prose I love

Weekly writing prompt #108

Good morning Juicers,

The other day, I decided to spend five hours extracting highlights from recently read books and dumping them into a database (gotta love random spurts of hyperfixation). I make these highlights whenever I come across lines of **chef’s kiss** prose.

As a former corporate analyst, cranking out spreadsheets has unfortunately become second nature. Now as a writer, they do help me stay extremely organized (yay, transferrable skills). And since I’m no gatekeeper, lemme show you what I built. It has a few rows of sample entries so you get the idea.

Each quote is categorized via two sets of tags that you can filter and sort by that drill into why I love it and what element of craft it relates to. The goal is to create an ever-evolving, well-indexed resource that helps me hedge against blah writing.

Tell me, do you also squirrel away sentences in some way?

(P.S. This is a shameless plug, but I was featured on the MFA Writers podcast last week! Give it a listen.)

To more lovely prose,

Weekly writing prompt: Prose I love

Write a sentence (or two, or three) inspired by another sentence you wish you had written.

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Sunday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Last week’s submissions: Wildcard 🃏

Did you submit last week? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

Writing inspo of the week

Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination and the journey. They are home.

Anna Quindlen

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