Rules are made to broken

Weekly writing prompt #105

Good morning Juicers,

I don’t know why my brain works this way but instead of writing my thesis paper or creative work (the first drafts of which are due to my MFA advisor very soon), I decided to spend all day drafting a personal essay idea that had been floating in mind for months. I got so deep that I forgot there was apparently some sporting event yesterday.

Is anyone else like this??

Weekly writing prompt: breaking the rules

What is a writing “rule” you often break? Write a piece that features this stylistic flair of yours 🧨 

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Sunday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Writer life weekly

This week’s question: What is your go-to fix when you’re having a terrible day?

Have suggestions? Reply to this email to share your advice by Sunday evening.

Have a question you want to ask the group? Email it to me!

Writing inspo of the week

A story is a way to say something that can't be said any other way.

Flannery O'Connor

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