Warm seats, seat warmers

Weekly writing prompt #103

Good morning, Juicers

A few days ago, I was editing a piece I wrote last year that I was particularly proud of only to encounter plenty of overreliance on the verb “was.” Basic descriptions like: “The woman’s voice was shrill” or “…the door was wide open.” Perhaps that explains the mounting rejection letters from the lit mags I had submitted to 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Anywho, if I wanted to rewrite these, I’d turn the quality of the subject into the focus of the sentence and zhuzh it up with a stronger verb.

The woman’s voice was shrill —> The pitch of her voice approximated that of a dog whistle.

Now onto the prompt, in which “was” features prominently lol because irony is a spice of life.

Weekly writing prompt: Warm seats, seat warmers

Write the piece that accompanies the opening line “The seat was warm.”

Reply to this email to submit your writing. Share by Sunday evening and see what everyone else wrote for the same prompt.

Writing inspo of the week

To be a poet is a condition, not a profession.

Robert Frost

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