Spotify Wrapped-inspired + a question from Jamie

Daily Writing Prompt #88

Lots of love to everyone who shared such supportive advice in response to yesterday’s prompt 🥰 It got me thinking…

Would you all be interested in something like say, a weekly crowdsourced advice column that’s visible to all subscribers and tackles a specific writerly problem (related to craft, publishing, creative process, etc.) that anyone can ask the group (and call it something like “Writer Life Wednesdays,” if someone has a better name, lmk)?

If interested, please reply YES to this email 🙂.

Today’s prompt

Take the title of your top song of 2023 and now write the piece that accompanies or takes inspiration from it.

To submit your writing: reply to this email by end of day.

Share and you’ll get to see what everyone else wrote (no names!) in tomorrow’s newsletter.

Yesterday’s submissions: Writerly sins

Did you submit yesterday? If so, click to view the other submissions 👀 

Writing inspo of the day

The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.

Gustave Flaubert

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