Daily Writing Prompt #7

Time flies 🥲

GM 🌞

Discovered a minor technical hiccup yesterday where I missed a few folks’ submissions but the issue has now been rectified!

Welcome to day 7 of Creative Juice! They grow up so fast 🥲. Here are some prompts on the passage of time.

Fiction: Write a flashback from present day where your character relives a core memory and reflects on their growth (ex. a bad date, your goth phase, etc.)
Poetry: Pick a unit of time and personify it as a whole or its intervals (ex. what would meeting a year feel like? Or what if November met February?)
Non-fiction: Share a moment of time standing still or something you wish could stretch into infinity.

Reply to this email by end of day to share your writing. If you share, you get to see what everyone else wrote (no names!) in tomorrow’s newsletter.

See what others wrote…

…only if you submitted yesterday 🙃 

Writing inspo of the day

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.

Toni Morrison