Daily Writing Prompt #6

🎶 You can't always get what you want 🎶

Happy Hump Day 🐫 

Following in yesterday’s format: 3 prompts, but this time they’re all variations on a theme.

Fiction: Write some interiority in which a character is finally getting what they’ve been craving (with a focus on one of the five senses).
Poetry: Consider something you’ve always sought in life. Now write about it in the style of a classifieds ad.
Non-fiction: Ever had too much of a good thing, where pleasure quickly gives way to regret? How did that scale tip?

Reply to this email by end of day to share your writing. Then see what everyone else wrote (no names!) in tomorrow’s newsletter.

See what others wrote 👀 

Only those who submitted yesterday can access the link below.

Writing inspo of the day

Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft.

Anne Lamott