Daily Writing Prompt #22

Seeing things differently: metaphors

One thing about me: I love a good metaphor. This quote from Orson Scott Card about sums it up for me, “Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least space.” Let’s dig in.

Prompt: Take an item within a 3-foot radius of you and find the metaphor in it. Let it guide you from there.

Reply to this email by end of day to share your writing. Then see what everyone else wrote (no names!) in tomorrow’s newsletter.

P.S. If you have ideas for writing prompts or resources you like to use for prompts, please share! Trying to replenish the well 🙂 

Yesterday’s submissions

Found: great submissions from great writers.

Writing inspo of the day

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson