Daily Writing Prompt #20

This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

While not all of us are thriller or horror writers, suspense is crucial to storytelling. Once a question is posed, the tension you throw in (sexual and otherwise) motivates readers to get to the answer.

Fiction: Write a scene in which a lover’s behavior has changed and your protagonist needs to know why.
Poetry: Write a poem with layers and layers of mystery until something is revealed at the end
Non-fiction: Write about a moment in life when you felt the sharpest rub of conflict.

Reply to this email by end of day to share your writing. Then see what everyone else wrote (no names!) in tomorrow’s newsletter.

P.S. If you have ideas for writing prompts or resources you like to use for prompts, please share! Trying to replenish the well 🙂 

Yesterday’s submissions

I’m not a morning person but I loved the morning routine descriptions!

Writing inspo of the day

Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.

Anne Lamott